Your Marketing Message: How To Move Your Audience From Being A Follower To A Client

You Talking To Me?

One of the key elements when it comes to marketing your business is for your ideal client to know you’re the answer to their problem

How Do You Do This?

With your message.

Your message is everything you say, do, and write. Whether it’s in a social media post, in a video, on your website, or even down to the colours and fonts you use.

Your message is one of the key elements in marketing. If you cannot connect and communicate with your audience, then you’re not going to grow your business.

You need to be able to get into your ideal client’s head, so when they read your next social media post they think “that’s exactly how I feel.” We’ve all had that experience when we see an advert and then go out and buy the product. Whether it’s a mascara or a car, something has connected with us to make a purchase.

And that’s what we want to happen with you and your audience

There’s a brilliant book by Donald Miller called Building a Story Brand which is all about your message.

I’m going to share some of the nuggets in the book, but this blog post won’t replicate reading it, so if you can, get the book and dive into it. It’s brilliant and it’s easy to read too!

Before we dive into the six steps, for each of the steps there are a multitude of ways you can use it to create social media posts, create your free gift, write content for your website, do a live video and so on.

Please don’t just read this, think “that’s nice” and go and make a cup of tea! As a starting point use these steps to create your next week of social media content.

So What Does Building A Story Brand say?

You want to be taking your audience on a journey. Moving them from being a follower to a client.

All journeys start at the beginning, and the beginning is knowing your ideal client.

The Hero

Your ideal client is the hero in this story, and the thing to think about here is: What do they want?

Just write one sentence for this and it will give you a starting point.

Then, the next part is …

The Problem

There are four parts to the problem.

1) The Villain
Who’s the villain for your ideal client? The villain should be a root source and not a feeling. For example if your ideal client wants to get fitter, maybe the villain is the sofa that’s too comfortable at the end of the day? Or maybe it’s distraction, or their phone, or unhealthy food?

2) External problem
How is the problem showing up for your ideal client? Are they overweight, in pain, can’t keep up with the kids, not earning enough money? How is the problem showing up physically?

3) Internal problem
How is the problem making your ideal client feel? Are they anxious, worried, afraid of failing, afraid of success, scared, nervous etc?

4) Philosophical problem
This is all about why. What values does your ideal client have that make you the perfect choice? Do they want to work with someone local? Is supporting a small business important to them? How does choosing you fit with their values?

Meets A Guide

That’s you by the way. You’re the guide who’s going to solve their problem.

Now it’s easy for us to stand up and say how great we are. But it’s even better when you use testimonials from previous clients saying how great you are. Use testimonials constantly in your marketing. Put them on your website, on your sales pages, on your social media, in your lead magnet. Let your past clients tell others how amazing you are.

If you don’t have a load of testimonials, offer free samples or free 15 minute phone calls where you solve one problem, in exchange for a testimonial. 10 phone calls later, you’ve spent two and a half hours, you’ll have 10 testimonials (and you might even get a client from it.)

The Guide Gives Them A Plan

This is your product or process. This is the way you help your client solve their problem. What is your process? What makes it different from everyone else in your field

The Guide Then Calls Them To Action

What does your ideal client need to do to work with you? Tell them what to do. How do they book a call? What’s the link to get in touch? Should they send a DM? Tell them over, and over, and over.

It Ends In Success

What’s possible for your ideal client? How will they feel once they’ve solved their problem? What will their friends and family think of them? Will they have reached their potential?

And that’s it! That’s the journey you want to take your ideal client on to get them to work with you. You can create content from each of these steps and use them over and over in your social media, use it on your website, and in your emails. Perhaps talk about one of these in your next live video?

There are so many ways to connect with your ideal client, and now you know what to say, they’ll soon start queueing up to work with you.

About Louise Mansergh

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Louise Mansergh is a Marketing Strategist for Health and Wellness Business Owners, who want to get more clients even if they don’t know how to “do” marketing.

Her first job in marketing, way back when, was with an Investment Bank, where all she did was delete contacts from a database for 9 hours a day, five days a week. Yep, glamourous it was not (but there was a free breakfast every day!)

After that she worked her way up through doing public relations and events, to working for a private hospital company for six years where she became the Marketing and Communications Manager in the head office, supporting 37 hospitals with their growth plans.

When she’s not got her marketing hat on, you can find Louise chasing after her two small children, and hanging out with her family in Surrey.

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